Inviting you all to come and see how haggard-looking and awkward I can be at a public event.You might also see something you like, if not at my stall, then surely at any number of the other 70 + designer/makers who are setting up shop for this 3 day event.
If nothing else, just come for the food .. it is sensational and you won't need to raid your piggy bank to stuff yourself silly.
Carmel I LOVE these! Am hoping you'll have some left after Bowerbird...??
I'm hoping I'll even sell one. So you could be lucky Kim. Didn't make too many .. best not to get too carried away with a new product I find.
They look divine! Wish I could be there to tell you how fabulous you look :) have fun. Kx
Mmmm you might be surprised... I reckon you're onto a winner and I might be all out of luck...
these are beautiful! I love the subtle pattern and bold image. WEll done!
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