There's a new annual design market on in Melbourne this weekend at the Meat Market in North Melbourne. It sounds like a goodie but .. never can tell with markets. I came very close to getting a stall there but in the end I piked. Couldn't stomach another market before Christmas and a totally new one is always a bit of a risk.
If any of you Melbourne peeps are in the vicinity of this market on the weekend would love to know what it's like. If you could post a simple thumbs up or thumbs down that would be most appreciated.
I don't know, there are so many design markets springing up around Australia, I think they're starting to lose their 'specialness'. Would be good to see another way of offloading products. I'm a big fan of the barter system, which happens a lot when you do markets. Just love exchanging goods for goods with my fave designers. Who needs money?
Leaving you with a little work-in-progress piccy. Many months ago I got this 1940's folding theatre chair from an Op Shop on the Central Coast. It was upholstered in a deep green, rusty old leather (there are some BEFORE photos somewhere) which I was going to clean up but I accidently slashed into it when removing upholstery pins.
So, a cushion cover gets slapped onto a chair.

Not so sure .. the dark green leather looked good, more authentic.
oh I really love the deer/elk/moose image on the neutral and the white background. Your chair is awesome. I love the neutral tones in it. It's modern and clean, but timeless, and I think it does work. Of course, you can always keep playing with it until you're truly satisfied - as I imagine you will! :)
I'd love to check this market out, but man oh man, it's so flat out this time of year. If I make it along, I'll definately let you know my thoughts. And yeah... how many markets are we going to have? It's weird. Especially when you go to a small and independant artist/designer market and find stalls of mass produced "made in china" crap. sad. But the good news is, you have a beauitufl chair there! Sorry for the letter. ha ha ha. xo
Great chair revamp!
Sorry didn't get to that market you asked about so can't say if it was a goodie or not.
Agreed - too many markets on at the moment in Aus. We are overloaded.
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