I love Melbourne.
Have done for years.
Tried to relocate there many years ago when I was oh so young.
Ended up being offered a job in Sydney.
And here I am still.
I'll be back in Melbourne.
November 26 - 28th.
To be precise.
At my stall in Malvern Hall.
To be even more precise.
Contrary to popular belief you do not need to own a child or a designer pram to enjoy the MAGNOLIA SQUARE MARKETS. So do swing by if you're in the mood for shopping. This is my last outing for the year with feedthedog and I have gone a bit girly. Amongst other things. Not sure where, why, how exactly the girly urge took hold. A while back I found myself sketching some roses from a luscious spread in some magazine.

Isolated a few stems and played around with colours and backgrounds in Photoshop.

Cut a few stencils.

Printed and hung up to dry.

Plumped up with goose feathers.

I've had these out at a couple of markets now but sadly no one's been buying.
Duds or ahead of my time?
Let's see if Melbourne likes the blooms.
Something tells me these will be appearing on sale in my etsy shop in December.
And some more work-in-progress. I've got a bit of tree obsession going on as well.

Okay, enough.
Ohhhhh, how awesome. I love your girly thing - the roses are fab - I really love the red one, and the lenngth of those cushions works so well with the design. Having said all of that, I also love your trees, and the cut out, and the layering, and that last photo with the chair - how amazing is that?! xo I think you're ahead of your time, (not lame! ha ha ha) and so unique. And I admire and love that so much. :)
your ever so enthusiastic and detailed feedback is just delightful.
please do drop by the market if you have the chance - i've been told that the thursday and friday afternoon are the best times to come in if you want to avoid the pram jam. :)
Hi Carmel, i'll check out the details, (closing time, etc) for Thursday & Friday... otherwise work commitments may mean possibly saturday?
you're awesome! I hope you're having a lovely weekend. xo
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